Being a Bride Is a Dream and Everyone Should Get to Live it Out
The big day is here — your wedding! The day you’re set to be a gorgeous bride. What if the worst should happen? What if the groom decides last minute not to come, without calling anyone or giving an explanation? What happens with the ceremony, the paid catering, the invited guests, music, expensive decorations, and dress — will you leave it all behind and leave the premises or continue down the aisle, by yourself and smiling?
No Groom – No Problem
Is it really not a problem for the bride to show up and go through with the entire wedding without a groom? Well, why not? A woman puts in a lot of effort for the day of her wedding and she expects everything to be spectacular, and she deserves it. So, be an example for women everywhere — who cares if the groom won’t be by your side on this momentous day! Walk the aisle and feel beautiful in your gorgeous dress!
The Show Must Go On, Bride!
Be the bride everyone dreams of being — be spectacular; be the superwoman everyone expects to see! You’ve already paid for everything anyway. Why would you bow down to the decision of a single person and ruin your night? You’ve been looking forward to dancing with friends and family, so go ahead – do it! Have the best night of your life!
Life’s a party, or it should be, no matter what’s happened to us. Yes, it’s a woman’s worst nightmare for the groom to disappear on the day of the wedding, but no one should sit in the corner crying. Even if you’re more upset than you’ve ever been in your life, you shouldn’t give up and go home. You have a party to enjoy! Be that girl — that girl who goes on with the entire night with strength and a smile on her face! Celebrate your day — celebrate your life!