Bizarre Things You’d Only See In Dubai

This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.

Culture Clash

When old traditional dress meets modern fashion, there’s bound to be a major culture clash.

Culture Clash

All Gold Everything

When you travel to Dubai, don’t be surprised if your eyes hurt from how shiny everything is. That’s because gold is one of Dubai’s most popular accessories. Residents of Dubai will pretty much use gold for everything. They have gold necklaces, gold bracelets, gold earrings, gold watches, gold crowns, gold cars, gold jackets, gold shoes, gold toothbrushes, and even gold trash cans. While this may seem a bit impractical to Westerners, once you arrive in Dubai, you’ll appreciate the elegance.

All Gold Everything

Bikini Vs. Burqa

Dubai welcomes Western expats, who find the lack of red tape when setting up businesses, the government’s encouragement of foreign investment, and no income tax extremely appealing. But along with Western residents comes prime ground for some major culture clashes, as we see here in this crazy pic. A woman in a bikini on a beach next to a woman in a burqa is something unimaginable anywhere else on the globe, but in Dubai, it’s merely a fact of life.

Bikini Vs. Burqa

Riding Dirty

In ancient times, camels were a symbol of wealth – the beasts of burden provided valuable transportation, storage, milk, hair for clothing and brushes, and worst case scenario, meat in times of scarcity. Nowadays, most people in Dubai buy the flashiest car possible rather than stroll around with their pack of camels. But this guy decided to blend the best of both worlds by riding around in his expensive Mercedes Jeep while still showing off his animal investment!

Riding Dirty