40+ People Share the Awkward Story of Meeting Aunt Flo for the First Time

Awkward Menses Stories

Everyone goes through puberty and, for many, that comes with a special time of the month. Still, that doesn’t mean you’re not caught off-guard the first time you experience it. Whether you weren’t prepared or it was just a little awkward, these people all know how you feel. They took the time to reminisce about their first time greeting Aunt Flo — even if it wasn’t always a fond memory.

What Is That?

This person was well aware of what it means to ride the crimson wave, having an older sister who already dealt with it. Still, that doesn’t always make you an expert.

What Is That?

Even if you know about the concept of a monthly cycle, it’s not like you go into your first one having experienced it firsthand before. So, we can’t blame this person for not quite knowing what was going on when they were so young but we’re glad their mom was there to help!

Someone Has to Tell Them

Unfortunately, not everyone has the heads up they deserve when it comes to puberty and exactly what to expect during that first time of the month.

Someone Has to Tell Them

This can be really scary! After all, finding a red stain usually means you’ve been hurt, right? So, as a fifth grader, this person definitely assumed the worst. Even worse, it went on for days before someone realized what was happening and explained what was actually going on.

Working Together

This is another person who probably could have used a heads-up on what menses are and what to expect. But, at least they did know to go to someone they trusted.

Working Together

The only problem is that between two nine-year-olds, they came to the wrong conclusion about all this meant. Of course, they were fine but these kids weren’t going to waste time waiting to find out. It might have made the next day of school a little awkward, though.

An Incorrect Assumption

There are a lot of physical symptoms that Aunt Flo can bring to town with her. For instance, you might feel some cramps and even a little gassy.

An Incorrect Assumption

The latter is all this person thought was going on for a while. However, there was something about the whole situation that felt off to them. After talking to their mother, it became crystal clear what was actually happening.