15+ Labor & Delivery Nurses Shared About the Most Horrific Husbands They’ve Had to Deal With
Hearing This One a Lot
Unfortunately, you’re going to hear a lot more stories of distracted dads from these nurses. This one just had a single phrase they were tired of wondering about.
So many people talk about how magical seeing your child for the first time is. Not to mention, your partner is going through something incredibly painful. We understand that you might want to update your family but now really isn’t the time to be on the phone.
Okay, You Push Them Out
This guy seems like he was doubly awful when he was there to “support” his wife. For one, again, he was yet another husband too busy with his phone.
On top of that, he insisted that she “didn’t need” the epidural. For one, he can’t feel the pain she’s in so it’s not for him to say. Secondly, while many people opt for natural childbirth, an epidural is a valid choice that can make the person laboring much more comfortable.
What Do You Want to Say First?
While childbirth is hard, there’s a payoff. Many parents say they’ll never forget the moment they held their child for the first time. That makes sense, too!
After all, you’ve put in so much work and preparation into meeting your new little one and the fact that they’re here now is usually really emotional. Sorry, this dad was happy to see him, but he was more upset about missing Game of Thrones.
Where Is He?
There are some couples who agree to not have the father in the room. Then, there are plenty of fathers who just outright failed to show up.
As for this guy, he missed the first birth when he was chilling at home, taking in a true crime documentary. If that has you heated, wait until you hear what he said to her about being “lucky” that he bothered to show up this time. Very classy.
If your partner is in labor and delivering your child, there are a few things you should know. For one, this is an extremely emotional and physically painful process. Secondly, you’re there to support your partner through the birthing process. Plenty of husbands get overwhelmed and pass out but these husbands really took the cake for awful behavior in the delivery room.