45+ Rare Photos That Reveal the Unseen Side of Things

This article appeared in sneakertoast.com and has been published here with permission.
45+ Rare Photos That Reveal the Unseen Side of Things

Our everyday life is full of some amazing things that we don’t pay much attention to; things that we never really think about; things that would amaze you and leave you wondering, “Why didn’t I think of that?” Well, to help you enjoy the beauty as well as the hidden truth of our world, we bring you some rare photos that reveal the unseen side of things. Let’s jump right into it!

An Apple With Red Flesh

‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ — but what about an apple that looks fleshy on the inside? Does a doctor need to check the apple when you bite into it?

An Apple With Red Flesh

If you have a hard time believing it, then you should know that there are indeed apples with red flesh and this picture should provide enough proof for you. We can’t make any promises about it tasting different from an ordinary apple and so, the only way to find out is to try one for yourself.

Have You Seen a Clump of DNA?

Our DNA is one of the most complex things to come out of evolution and these swirls of microscopic strands are filled with lots of codes that make each of us unique.

Have You Seen a Clump of DNA?

We’ve all been taught that DNA resembles a blue and red ladder of sorts that has been twisted. This is also known as a double helix but have you ever wondered what DNA looks like when it’s clumped? Well, here you have it!

Cancer Pills Worth $12,000

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death with no permanent remedy that can help us to battle this disease — except for these pills, which are worth far more than many patients can afford.

Cancer Pills Worth $12,000

Instead of chemotherapy, which is sometimes painful for the patient, people who have cancer can instead opt to take these pills to prevent the cancer from spreading. This could save a lot of lives if sold at a cheaper price and mass-produced.

50-Pound Lead Container

Cancer is a dangerous thing and can take some extreme treatments. Thyroid Cancer, for instance, absorbs almost all of the iodine present in your body. The treatment requires the patient to often take radioactive iodine, also known as RAI, in a capsule or liquid form.

50-Pound Lead Container

The RAI concentrates on the thyroid cell. The radiation from it can destroy the thyroid glands or cells that hold the cancer. This therapy can greatly increase the chances of survival.