This Omega Probiotic Fights Bloating and Promotes Weight Loss

Pexels // Towfiqu barbhuiya

Both men and women around the world struggle with bloating. There’s nothing worse than that feeling of being gassy and having a rock-hard stomach that’s not due to great abs. The good news is that probiotics often help with this issue, and there’s one in particular that’s great for helping rebalance your gut microbiome.

Nouri Weight Health Probiotic Capsules

How does a probiotic help people to lose weight and fight bloating? It’s pretty simple. Probiotics aid the digestive tract, and Nouri’s Weight Health Probiotic Capsules contain three different strains which will help to replace any unhealthy bacteria found in the gut with healthy bacteria.

Restored balance will not only help you curb bad cravings, but it will also help make your metabolism faster. If you suffer from severe allergies, you can likely still take these probiotics as they don’t have any of the common allergy-triggering ingredients. It’s still a good idea to check with your doctor to make sure and get peace of mind.

Receiving Rave Reviews

The Nouri capsules can be taken with or without food and don’t need to be kept in the refrigerator. They should never be taken in place of food, and don’t expect miracles right away. They only work in conjunction with a balanced diet and exercise. Each bottle contains 30 capsules and one a day should be ingested. If you already take vitamins, you can take Nouri in conjunction with them. However, consult your GP before taking them if you take medication.

Instagram // @dailynouri

People could start to notice a difference in their overall health in about 12 weeks. Tons of reviewers online are already seeing the benefits, from losing weight quickly while used in conjunction with a healthy diet to a healthier digestive system. So will you take the plunge and try a probiotic?

Kimberly Loaiza: The Wonders and Misfortunes of Early Fame

A perfectly normal girl

Imagine for a moment being an ordinary young woman who suddenly starts uploading videos to her social networks and becomes famous in a matter of months. Well, that is the case of Kimberly Loaiza, a young woman who in record time became the most followed personality in some of the most relevant social networks. Just as Kim is admired by millions of fans, she has also been harshly criticized for various reasons. In this post we tell you all about her triumphs and difficulties.

A perfectly normal girl

Anyone would think that with so much success and being so young, Kimberly Loaiza had a special childhood in which she was prepared to be a celebrity, however, it was not like that. Kimberly was born and raised in a perfectly normal family.

Tiktok // @.kl.loaizaxl

She was born in Baja California, but when she was just a child her family decided to move to Sinaloa. There she completed her high school education and occasionally took dance and piano lessons. Not even she imagined that fame would come into her life at an early age.

Popularity began

Before becoming a YouTube celebrity, Kimberly Loaiza was already popular on other social networks. In 2011, with only 14 years old she opened her Twitter account and in a short time she reached a large number of followers.

Minuto NQN // Jahiber Andrés Muñoz

Her witticisms and the fresh attitude she kept in all her posts attracted thousands of young people who started following her just to see her comments and the pictures she uploaded to her profile. Of course, the real fame started later.

A Special Friend

Let’s face it. Much of Kimberly Loaiza’s fame is due to the scandals she has starred in with her partner, Juan de Dios Pantoja. There are still many fans who think that these two celebrities met thanks to the internet world, but nothing is further from the truth.

Instagram // @kimberly.loaiza

Kim and Juan de Dios met in Sinaloa when she was 15 years old. Juan was part of a dance group that competed between schools and by attending Kim’s high school, he met her.

The Secret

At only 15 years old Kimberly began a relationship with Juan de Dios. Of course, the courtship was a total secret, since Kim’s family was Christian and it seemed to them that the young girl was not old enough to have a boyfriend.

Facebook // JukilopFans

But, as between heaven and earth there is nothing hidden, the family of the future influencer ended up discovering the relationship. At first they did not agree, however, Juan spoke with them and they reached a quite particular agreement.

Let’s go to church!

Kimberly’s parents asked Juan de Dios to attend church every Sunday. Only in this way could the couple share under the supervision of Kim’s family. Juan agreed, for he was truly in love with the young woman.

Pinterest // @jv3929283

Pantoja attended church for a few months and then simply continued his relationship with Kimberly while respecting her parents’ rules. They stayed that way for two years, however, the strict rules of Loaiza’s family were beginning to suffocate the couple.

“We’re out of here!”

Kimberly and Juan wanted to live their relationship freely. So they both agreed that when she came of age they would run away so they could enjoy their relationship. A few days after Kim’s 18th birthday the couple ran away without telling anyone.

X // @viipantoja

Kimberly was the most affected by the escape. She herself admitted that she was crying the whole way, while Juan was just trying to comfort her. Of course, the families of both were very concerned and were just trying to establish communication with both of them, but were unsuccessful.

The new arrangement

Kimberly finally answered the phone to her mother. After much drama both the couple and the family came to an agreement. They told Juan de Dios that the only way he could share with Kimberly the way he wanted was to marry her.

La Estrellas // Liliana Carmona H

Without much thought Juan de Dios accepted the proposal and they both set out to return to Sinaloa. That was how Kim, 18 years old, and Juan, 20 years old, got married for the first time.


At first the couple was more than happy with their decision. However, little by little the problems started to arrive. Living together became a bit complicated and both were too young and immature to face certain problems at home.

X // @Jukilop12

Both tried their best to solve the problems that threatened their relationship, but were unsuccessful. Finally, they came to the conclusion, with the help of their families, that the best thing to do was to separate for a while and think about whether they really wanted to be together.

The Annulment

Although they tried to reconcile, both came to the conclusion that it was best to annul the marriage. In a matter of days both were free of commitments and, although they decided to distance themselves for a while to get over what had happened, in a few months they resumed communication, this time as “friends”.

Facebook // Team Jukilop

The friendship between Kimberly and Juan de Dios confused everyone, from their families to their friends. It was obvious that there was strong chemistry between the two but neither would accept that they were, again, in a relationship.

YouTube: the new challenge

In the midst of all this love turmoil, in 2016 Kimberly decided to open her YouTube channel. On it she shared experiences, tutorials and challenges. Thanks to her fresh personality and all her witticisms in a few months her account reached thousands of followers. The truth is that neither she imagined having the acceptance she had on the platform.

Youtube // Fansdelalinduramayor2577 // Screenshot

Juan de Dios Pantoja also opened his YouTube channel around those days. We don’t know if it was by coincidence or if they both planned to open their accounts together.

It wasn’t for fame

Eventually, Kimberly made it clear that when she started her YouTube channel she wasn’t interested in fame, quite the opposite. She opened it just to do something in her spare time. The truth is that almost no one believes this, since by that time YouTubers were all the rage.

X // @BiancaMadrid9

In addition, it was known that the accounts could be monetized and that many companies were looking for content creators to make juicy collaborations. In other words, being a YouTuber was all business.

Love or convenience?

The love drama between Kimberly and Juan continued. Both already had a large number of followers on social networks and their fans knew that the two had been in a relationship. Finally, both accepted that they had resumed their romance publicly.

Facebook // Tim jukilop

That yes, much of the public began to think that the courtship between them was just a matter of convenience, and that they wanted to conquer more fans at the expense of their relationship and their eternal dramas. Today we know that was not the case.

The JukiLop moment

Taking advantage of the boom moment of the famous teams on YouTube, Kimberly and Juan de Dios joined other YouTubers to form a team of content creators.

Pinterest // @crlosrdrguez73

The team was called Jukilop and it included Kimberly Loaiza, Juan de Dios Pantoja, Kenia Os , KatiaVlogs, Francisco Alvarado and Ulises Leyvazo. These influencers started creating content together for all their followers. However, due to personal problems they decided to separate, leaving only Kimberly and Juan de Dios with the team.

Growing like crazy

While all this was going on Kimberly didn’t neglect her personal YouTube channel. In 2018 this girl reached 10 million followers on this platform, becoming one of the most followed influencers in Mexico.

X // @AngelicaRG6

Kim’s popularity was growing like foam, not only on YouTube, but in all social networks. A proof of this is that, in less than a year, the girl reached 20 million followers, becoming the most followed woman in the country.

Hello baby!

In 2019 Kimberly shared some news that shocked all of her followers. The YouTuber was pregnant, of course, by Juan de Dios Pantoja. Many of her followers thought Kim was too young to be a mother, since by this time the girl was 20 years old.

Facebook // Team JukiLop “Fans”

That same year Kima Sofia Pantoja Loaiza was born. The baby girl was a social media sensation for quite some time and her birth brought both good wishes from the couple’s fans and criticism from their haters.

A hidden talent

Ever since she was a child Kimberly had a talent for music. Occasionally she took piano lessons, however, she never ventured into a talent she knew she had, singing. Since Juan de Dios Pantoja had already started his musical career, little by little he encouraged Kimberly to do the same.

La Verdad // PatriciaMontalvo

At first Kimberly was reluctant to the idea of becoming a singer, however, the interest in music got the better of her and the influencer accepted the challenge of making her own songs.

Roast yourself

The first time Kimberly dared to sing was in her Roast yourself challenge, a challenge that went viral and consists of making a song based on the most common criticisms of haters.

Amino // kim loaiza de corazón

Kimberly’s Roast yourself was one of the most successful on YouTube, not only because it included some of the most common criticisms leveled at the influencer, but also because she did an adaptation of the song Worth it, by the band Fifth Harmony.

Her first song

After recording her Roast yourself, Kimberly wanted to give formal start to her musical career. For this, she released her first song titled Enamorarme. To publish her music video the influencer decided to open a new YouTube channel, which is dedicated solely to her songs.

Pinterest // @jatzennyt

Kimberly’s song was very well accepted by the public. Currently the music video has over 90 million plays on YouTube. Kim’s music career took off quite strongly, and currently music is a priority for the YouTuber.

Lizbeth Rodríguez entered the ring

You probably know Lizbeth Rodriguez, famous for the Badabun segment, Exposing Infidels. It seems that in 2020 Lizbeth had some problems with YouTuber and photographer Kevin Achutegui and her way of “getting even” was to release screenshots of an alleged infidelity of Juan de Dios Pantoja with Kevin.

La Republica

The most affected with these captures were Juan de Dios and Kimberly, since not only their relationship was affected, but they also began to receive endless criticism from their fans.

Kim’s defense

In the face of the media disaster Kimberly came out to defend herself. The Influencer claimed that she completely trusted Juan de Dios and said she was sure that the screenshots were part of a bad taste joke. In addition, she asked the public to stop the criticisms, as they were seriously affecting them.

Facebook // Fandom kenini

Kimberly also asked Lizbeth Rodriguez for respect towards her relationship and towards her family, she said she didn’t understand how there were people capable of attacking others in such a malicious way.

Kevin spoke

Kevin Achutegui was not left behind in this media war. The photographer made an live on Instagram to clarify the whole situation. Kevin claimed that it was all about a misinterpretation of the screenshots and said that between him and Juan de Dios there was only a friendship, as he had been Juan and Kimberly’s photographer on several occasions.

Youtube // KevinAchutegui // Screenshot

The YouTuber also referred to Lizbeth Rodriguez and said that she was the one directly responsible for the whole scandal they were facing.

And the videos are out!

And Lizbeth didn’t stay quiet! It is not known exactly what her source was, but after Kimberly, Kevin and Juan clarified the whole situation, Lizbeth released some videos in which Juan de Dios’ infidelities with several women are evidenced.

X // @gazapotl

This time the only ones affected were Kimberly and Juan. Along with these videos came out statements from former friends of Juan de Dios, who confessed that, indeed, the Influencer had been unfaithful on several occasions.

Juan de Dios’ words

Finally, Juan de Dios Pantoja gave public statements. The singer did not dare to deny that he had been unfaithful, as the leaked videos were quite suggestive. Instead, he said that such behavior was a thing of the past and that at the time he did not measure the consequences of his actions.

Las Estrellas // Elizabeth Gonzales

Juan also asked the public to stop assaulting Kimberly, as she was not to blame for anything and affirmed that what he regretted the most was hurting her.

“I’m not gay”

It seems that Juan de Dios’ fans didn’t forget the scandal that the YouTuber faced with Kevin Achutegui. And, although Kimberly said she was sure that Juan de Dios was not gay, the public thought the opposite.

DSguruji // Contributors Team DsGuruji

In the same video in which Juan confronted the situation of the leaked videos, he also affirmed that he was not gay and that the whole issue of the screenshots was just part of a scandal put together by Lizbeth Rodriguez.

Scandalous split

As expected, the issue of the videos severely affected Kimberly and Juan de Dios’ relationship. In the midst of all the controversy Kimberly made a video for YouTube confirming that their relationship was over. Truth be told, this surprised no one.

(Left) Facebook // loaizafans | (Right) Pinterest // @everlyn

Both celebrities were quite upset about everything that was going on. On the one hand, Kimberly was facing the breakup of her family and, on the other hand, Juan de Dios was being harshly criticized by his fans and by the press in general.

The song of forgiveness

As a sign of repentance Juan de Dios released a song called Error, in which he asks forgiveness to the people he hurt. Also, in this song the singer states that he was not happy with many of his decisions and that he longed to change.

Pinterest // @infobae

This was not Juan de Dios’ best song, however, it went viral thanks to all the scandal surrounding it. It was obvious that the song was directed to Kimberly Loaiza, but she never said anything about it.

The love was stronger

It seems that the love between Kimberly and Juan de Dios is invincible. A few weeks after Kim confirmed their separation, the couple was already together again. This fact brought with it endless criticism towards the YouTuber, as no one understood how she could forgive her partner’s infidelities.


For a few weeks Kimberly stayed away from social media and completely avoided talking about their reconciliation. Eventually the couple started uploading photos to their social networks, showing that their relationship was stronger than ever.

Lizbeth’s taunts

Did Lizbeth stay quiet? Well, no. Upon learning of the reconciliation between Kimberly and Juan de Dios the influencer began to launch hints and malicious comments through her social networks. Of course, the public understood that it was all about attacks towards the couple.

Quora // loaizafans

However, Lizbeth herself began to be criticized for lashing out at another woman in a moment of weakness instead of standing in solidarity with her. Soon after, the YouTuber stopped the taunts, at least publicly.

Goodbye YouTube?

Juan de Dios made a video stating that he was giving up being a public figure. The singer said he would abandon YouTube, his music career and social networks. Juan stated that he was doing this for the well-being of his family, which was the most important thing to him.

X // @jdpantojalmv

The influencer said in his video that his economic life did not depend on social networks, and that with the earnings he had had in his years as a singer and public figure he had made businesses with which he could support himself.

A new stage

Finally, it seemed that all the scandal had passed. Kimberly and Juan de Dios Pantoja were starting a new stage in their personal and professional life. For a good time Juan de Dios was away from social networks and completely abandoned his YouTube channel.


However, one fine day the singer decided to reactivate his social networks and start uploading videos in the company of Kim. After all, he did not keep his promise to stop being a public figure.

“Yes, I do”

In 2020, the same year in which the scandals occurred, Kimberly and Juan decided to join their lives in marriage for the second time. This time they had a rather mediatic ceremony and, as expected, the wedding brought more criticism than anything else.

(Left) Instagram // vicoguadarrama | (Right) X // @FerNavajuki

Kimberly was harshly criticized for marrying a man who had been unfaithful to her on several occasions. Many people were not betting on the relationship, however, the couple seemed quite confident in their decision and were determined to fight for their union.

Criticism from her fans

Social networks were filled with comments about the marriage of Kimberly and Juan de Dios. There were those who said that it was all a media show and that they would soon get divorced to cause another scandal on social networks.

American Post // americanpost

Other fans simply began to criticize Kimberly for marrying an unfaithful man who, according to rumors, did not value her. Ultimately, there was more criticism of the couple than well wishes. Still, Kim and Juan looked happy.

A fan of surgeries?

Is Kimberly Loaiza a fan of surgeries? We really don’t know. What is certain is that the influencer has admitted that she has had more than one cosmetic touch-up and this has disappointed a group of her fans.

La Verdad Noticias // PatriciaMontalvo

It looks like Kimberly wasn’t entirely happy with her figure and decided to get a few little fixes, like a breast augmentation and liposuction. In addition, she also had a lipotransfer, a procedure that molds the figure and makes it much more aesthetic.

A businesswoman

Kimberly has not only become one of the top celebrities on social media. The influencer has been able to leverage her fame and earnings to become quite the businesswoman.

Debate // Juan Chaidez Aispuro

In 2021, Kimberly and Juan de Dios announced the launch of Space Movil, their own phone service. It is known that this is only one of the businesses Kimberly has, and that she also has earnings from her music career and social networks.

The best news

In 2021 Kimberly shared some great news with her fans. The family was about to grow, well, she was pregnant. This news made her fans happy. It was already more than obvious that the relationship between her and Juan de Dios was going quite well and she herself had previously expressed her intentions of becoming a mother for the second time.

Instagram // @mtvla

That same year Juan Pantoja Loaiza, Kimberly’s second son, was born. The child arrived to fill the couple’s home with joy.

Most followed

With more than 36 million followers, Kimberly Loaiza became the most followed Latina woman on YouTube and currently ranks 71st on the list of the 100 most followed channels in the world. This success is far from easy to achieve.

X // @glossxkimby

But Kim wasn’t satisfied with YouTube. Currently, she has more than 60 million TikTok followers and is also the Latin personality with the most followers on this platform. In other words, this girl is quite the social media phenomenon.

Was love cemented

While Kimberly enjoys all her success, it seems that her love life is going from strength to strength. The YouTuber constantly shares videos with her family in which you can tell that everything is “going well” in her family life.

X // @KimberlyLoaiza_

Some fans claim that what Kimberly shows through her social networks is just a staging, and that she hides her family problems to avoid public criticism. What is certain, is that this 24-year-old looks happy and that’s what matters.

Bad mom?

Recently Kimberly has also been accused of being a bad mother. Many of her fans began to question how much time the influencer takes care of her children if she is constantly traveling in the company of her husband and has commitments to fulfill thanks to her collaborations and business.

Facebook // Fans De Kimberly Loaiizaa

The answer seems simple, Kimberly perfectly can travel in the company of her little ones and can count on the support of nannies and specialists, however, this does not seem to convince the public that expects more from her as a mother.

The Happy Family

Currently there are few challenges that Kimberly shares through her YouTube channel. The girl has dedicated herself to show her family and professional life in a fresh and fun way. Before the world, the Pantoja Loaiza family has become an “example” of overcoming problems and solidity.

Facebook // Fabi Santiago

In the company of their two children Kimberly and Juan are happy through their social networks, although we are sure that like any family, they have problems that do not show the public.

What’s next for Kimberly Loaiza?

At just 24 years old Kimberly Loaiza has achieved success that many people don’t even dream of, all thanks to the reach of social media. Kim is not only an influencer, but she has also become a successful businesswoman and a devoted mother.

Pinterest // @felizitiestwq

What’s next for Kimberly Loaiza? We can only hope that the girl continues to reap success as she has been doing so far. With her reach, we are sure she will continue to be one of the top social media personalities.